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Counterfeit Shares & Market Manipulation in the Public Markets
Why a CEO MUST Consult an Attorney Prior to Amending a “Choice of Law” Provision in a Contract
How RICO and the Adar Bays Decision Can Help Microcaps Recover Losses Caused by Toxic Lending
Toxic Lender's Stall Tactics Fail in Minnesota State Court
How Toxic Lenders are Responding to SEC Investigations and Enforcement Actions
New York's Highest Court Rules Convertible Notes Subject to Criminal Usury Laws
OTC Markets Death Spiral Funders Days may be Numbered
OTC Market Issuers May Recoup Hundreds of Millions from SEC Actions against Toxic Lenders.
Transfer Agents and a new Standard for Rule 144 Opinion Letters
SEC Finally going after Toxic Convertible Note Debt Lenders
Could The End of Toxic Convertible Notes Be in Sight?
Microcap Terrorism - A Warning to OTC CEO's
Is A Convertible Note a Security?